
Friday, March 8, 2013

Countdown to Camp NaNo

I'm excited. In about 3 weeks, I'll be diving into Camp NaNoWriMo - the less ridged off-season version of NaNoWriMo. While I really want to begin work on writing Book 2, I still have to finish and revise Book 1. Since Camp NaNo is flexible, here are my options:

1) Make April's focus to be revising Book 1. The first part of Book 1 is already in the hands of my beta readers and I need to get the remaining part of the book - the ending- to them so they can finish reading and give me a critique. A part of me feels that I need to finish B1 before April so I can move on. If I move on and finish Book 2 before revising Book 1, I'll look at it with fresh eyes.

2) Include the word count in finishing Book 1 in April's word count. (I don't like this option).

3) Leave BK1 unfinished and come back to it after the April goal (focusing on new material) is met.

4) Work on BK1 to finish the story, but then move to a completely unrelated project for the remainder of the month.

Option 1 is what I'm leaning towards. I really don't want a pile of unfinished work that I can't find the motivation to revise. I also have that publication contest that I want Book 1 to be ready for by December.

This year, April's format from NaNo is flexible. They merged it with their Script Frenzy event so participants can either work on a novel or a script. The word count goal is participant's choice - to make it either more manageable or more challenging. I may bump my goal to add to the challenge. Since I plan on participating in July as well, I may leave the new material for that month -- where I won't have to report in to work (yay for summer breaks)!

I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on my options... or if I may not be considering an option.

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