
Sunday, September 14, 2014

On Body Language

About a few weeks ago, my husband and I were at Lowe's shopping for a washer/dryer. We were looking at some of the models I'd pre-researched online and the sales associate came to help us. She wasn't pushy and she was really knowledgeable about her machines. She was really friendly and didn't push one machine over another, but she did spend the time to point out pros/cons of one model's design over another's or was quick to mention when one was a new (therefore unreviewed) model of a trusted line.

Then we went to a showroom that was kind of like a warehouse for appliances. Again, here was a nice sales associate who was knowledgeable. He pointed out slightly different things when comparing the models and Craig and I, using what we learned, made the best informed decision. Overall, it was a pleasant experience.

However, there was a distinct difference in the body language of salesgirl vs salesguy. Aleisha naturally spoke to the two of us, making eye contact and continually shifting focus between me and Craig. She was also good about keeping her body angle in such a way that she was facing both of us at the same time, not just one or the other.

On the other hand, Marty the sales guy, would talk more to Craig. Quite a few times, Craig actively shifted the conversation to me. And when I had some questions or concerned, I could tell that Marty was surprised I was the one who asked (like my request to see the machine's manual).  He spent most of his time making eye contact with Craig and his body position was facing Craig. A couple of times, Marty turned his back to me while explaining something or demonstrating a feature - more than once I found myself moving closer to Craig so that he was facing, and speaking, to both of us.

The difference in body language was subtle, but it was there.

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