
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Hermit vs the Social Butterfly

So NaNoWriMo hasn't started yet and I can already see some of the hurdles. I was actually being fairly optimistic when I said I was up to the challenge. My weekends for the month of November were fairly free and I had no weekday plans scheduled on my calendar. Then, Craig and I started making plans. All of a sudden, the days that I was hoping to use to "catch up" if I fall behind on my daily writing quota were taken up. Now, I'm thinking, "will I really have enough time to write 50K words in 30 days?"

And here's the dilemma for me. Do I stick to my guns and be a recluse for most of the month of November? Or do I allow myself to go hang out with family and friends? I know one option I have is to take my writing with me... but how much will I really be able to accomplish when I'm surrounded by  people that I want to interact with? I love the gaming with my friends. I love evenings out whether it's a play, movie, large party or small dinner.

So, I'm making a decision... for the month of November, I will be more of a hermit. I'll schedule my time as if I'm still in school and finals are fast approaching. I will push myself the same way that I pushed when I had a paper due for class - utilizing any holidays during the month for the writing, sleeping when I can't write, and writing instead of sleeping on the weekends/holidays. I've never pulled an all-nighter for my writing before, but I have for school work. I think on the days that I can afford to (like the night before Thanksgiving), I can try to write through the night and plan to sleep while traveling. Thankfully, I won't be driving.

This doesn't mean I won't go out at all. It just means not being the last ones to leave a party. It means just having dinner with a friend instead of dinner and a movie (or shopping). It means excusing myself and finding a quiet corner to work while Craig continues to be social at gatherings.

One of the excuses that I've always given myself is that I don't have the time to devote to the writing. I've started projects, but they stay unfinished and under developed. However, I can't use that excuse anymore since I was able to make time for my other projects over the last few years. And for one month, I will not allow myself to use that excuse.


  1. I'm glad you are sticking to this. I have always admired people who can make these hard choices and now as I am working and taking classes, I keep comparing myself to Brook who is my role model for studying. He is often unavailable because of his classes and now he is pursuing a Masters degree at USC. What an ass-kicker. I want to be that dedicated, and I see you do too.

    Good luck and I will support you when you can't make it to things.

  2. Well, it was my experience in committing and prioritizing my time for the MA degree that proved that I can have the time if I made the time. My thought was, if I made the time for a paper or web dev project then, I can make the time for writing now.

    It removed the excuse. I think in my head, it was easier to give the homework the priority because it seemed like a short-term commitment (just this weekend, done in 2 weeks, etc) instead of "I need to give up my social life indefinitely until I finish writing." It helps to prioritize when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
