
Friday, November 2, 2012

Progress - Day 1

Day 1 Goal of 1667 met at 9:02pm tonight.
Pages for 1667 words = 3, almost 4, single spaced
Hours it took to write: 5

Current word count: 2310
Day 2 goal: 3334

I'm highly encouraged by my progress. I'm SO glad I did the prepping with the outline. Even though I already find myself deviating a bit with the details, I'm still sticking to the main points that is supposed to occur in the chapter. When I find myself stopping, I glance over at my notes and think, "Oh right! That needs to happen for it to develop the way I want it to develop. I really need that in chapter [insert chapter number here]." Finding the right words to explain or show the idea is so much easier when the basic idea is already written and plotted.

I'm finding hard to not go back and add things or edit, but I'm moving forward. These first few chapters are all about introducing the main characters. I'm hoping that I'm doing a good job at bringing them to life, with their interactions with each other, speech patterns, and mannerisms. I'm going to call it quits for tonight and try to get a an extra hour of sleep. I'm already 39% done with my day 2 goal.

With tomorrow being Friday, I'll be able to stay up as late as I want to to write. I'm optimistic that I'll be ahead of my daily goal by the end of the day on Saturday. My stretch goal is to be a whole day ahead of my daily goal, allowing me to create a buffer. Even better if that lead is extended. I'd much rather be creating more material early on in the month than trying frantically to catch up as we near the deadline.

In addition to the writing last night and tonight, I spent almost 3 hours on a SW game and 2 hours vegging out in front of the TV. This is also encouraging. It means that if push came to shove, I can carve out the time I need from other recreational time to devote to the writing. 

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